Sunday, February 04, 2007

When our altars and leaders and monuments become idols

In our life, we:
Worship God
Follow God
Remember God

Worship- Through this, we come to the "altars" of life and worship him: whether through service, music, learning, church, etc.
But what happens when the "way" we worship becomes the "what" we worship? When we worship the means to worship? When our worship is turned to the worship itself? When we worship worship?

Follow- We follow God, but to do this, we often must follow Christian leaders- pastors, teachers, parents, writers, speakers, musicians, leaders, etc.
But what happens when we stop following the leader to get closer to God but simply follow the leader to get closer to the leader? What happens when we turn their words into Holy Scrip and their actions into holy deeds? What happens when we push them onto God's throne and treat them thus?

Remember- We remember God, and often this is done through monuments: remembering what He has done in our life, what He did in the Bible, the items that remind us, the memories, etc.
But what happens when we begin to worship our fantasy of our relationship with God? What happens when that perfect closeness to God, that specific time, becomes God? What happens when we put God aside and focus on our concepts and images and ideas and memories of God?

Just a thought...


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