Thursday, February 01, 2007

Fun things to be done

I was going to go and hang out with some friends today and I was trying to think of fun things to do, but couldn't come up with anything that didn't cost alot, require a good amount of travel, or was pretty boring... here are some ideas of places that should be opened

1. Gameplex- People come in and play board games!!!
2. Have huge gymnasiums for playing tag
3. A labyrynth
4. An art place that supplied you with stuff and you could make stuff
5. Something like that above, but with more metal and plastic and wood and stuff that lasts
6. A music recording studio where you can record bad music for cheapness
7. Places where you can come and make graffitti
8. Places like in Pinnochio where you can break a whole bunch of stuff
9. Go to the dump and search for cool stuff
10. Create an obstacle course with differing heights
11. Have huge fields to create battles and wars and junk and have picnics
12. A place where you can take shaving cream and shampoo and make a mess of yourself for fun
13. Something like in Harriet the Spy, where the woman's backyard was so weird but cool
14. Go and pick up trash on the side of the road!!!
15. Go door to door and do weird stuff
16. Have a lunch in the middle of a sidewalk or on the side of the road
17. Make a huge pile of junk- rocks, sticks, whatever, and put a huge flag on the top of it
18. Dress up in weird clothes and walk around and do stuff
19. A building filled with trampolines and pads so you can jump around everywhere and not get hurt
20. A river that's just a pool, but really really long, like one of those rivers at a water park, but have it stretch down for a long time and bring in plants and rocks so it's kind of real
21. A huge anciet castle or fortress for people to explore
22. A place where you can film your own movies for a low price
23. A whole bunch of mud
24. A place to watch old movies while playing pool and stuff
25. A huge old building to play hide and seek and other games in
26. I'm out of stuff
27. That's it
28. Bye


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